About Us

About Us

Hemp Lime Constructions

We are a Sydney-based company that supplies and installs Tradical® hempcrete building material and products in New South Wales.

Hemp Lime Constructions is the product of a conversation with an old work mate one sunny afternoon.  An article was mentioned about building with hemp.

The idea appealed immediately, and then research fuelled enthusiasm further.

Hempcrete is brilliant. It’s groundbreaking. It’s a revolutionary building material.

As a result, we began training in the art of hemp building because there is only so much you can learn from YouTube!

We were after comprehensive, professional training.  Enter Joe D’Alo from The Hemp Building Company.  Joe’s workshop gave us the hands-on experience we craved and so Hemp Lime Constructions was born!

We are excited to be working in an innovative industry.  In other words, bio-based construction has the potential to change the way we build.

Our creds?

Hudson Doyle, Project Manager in the civil construction sector for 15 years and Duane Royal, Artisan Craftsman, owner and creative genius behind Concreate.  In short, we are a solid team providing healthy, comfortable living spaces for your family to enjoy now, and for generations.

Perhaps you’re an architect or builder servicing sustainably-focussed clients.  Maybe you’re an owner/builder researching a new build or renovation and interested in green technology.  Either way, you’ll all be amazed by hempcrete too!

The product we use,  Tradical®,  is the world leader in lime binders and is referenced a lot in foundational research.

To sum up, we look forward to hearing from you! Please drop us a line anytime to let us know about your project.

Hemp Lime
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