

What is hemp?

Hemp refers to the plant Cannabis Sativa. The industrial hemp used for building materials is very low in the psycho-active ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and is grown for seed or fibre. For more info head to our blog post.

How is hemp used as a building material?

In layman’s terms, the hemp is mixed with lime to create walls, floors and ceilings. It is like a well-insulated brick veneer, or full brick construction. Extremely solid and durable, yet breathable too.

Why is hemp so sustainable and Eco-friendly?

Hemp grows very rapidly (second only to bamboo) It does not require herbicides or pesticides and has minimal irrigation requirements. 

What is hempcrete and hemp lime?

Hempcrete or hemp lime is a bio-composite building material – for construction and insulation – which is a mixture of hemp (hurds) and lime.

How is it rendered?

With specially formulated, breathable renders for internal and external hempcrete, using clay and lime. 

What is the technical classification of lime and hemp?

Please download our technical brochure here.

“By using plant materials in building we are sequestering carbon: locking it away in the buildings fabric.”

W. Stanwix & A. Sparrow
The Hempcrete Book.

What is the technical classification of thermal performance ratings?

Please download our technical brochure here.

Hemp Lime
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